Modulation Classification Based on Constellation Shape Using TTSAS Algorithm and Template Matching
Negar Ahmadi
The automatic recognition of the modulation format of a detected signal, the intermediate step between signal detection and demodulation, is a major task of an intelligent receiver, with various civilian and military applications. Obviously, with no knowledge of the transmitted data and many unknown parameters at the receiver, such as the signal power, carrier frequency and phase offsets, timing information, etc., blind identification of the modulation is a difficult task. This becomes even more challenging in real-world.In this paper I develop a novel algorithm using TTSAS algorithm and pattern recognition to identify the modulation types of the communication signals automatically. I have proposed and implemented a technique that casts modulation recognition into shape recognition. Constellation diagram is a traditional and powerful tool for design and evaluation of digital modulations. In this paper modulated signal symbols constellation utilizing TTSAS clustering algorithm, and matching with standard templates, is used for classification of QAM modulation. TTSAS algorithm used here is implemented by Hamming neural network. The simulation results show the capability of this method for modulation classification with high accuracy and appropriate convergence in the presence of noise.