Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition for Sign Words and Novel Sentence Interpretation Algorithm for Indian Sign Language Using Microsoft Kinect Sensor
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Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition for Sign Words and Novel Sentence Interpretation Algorithm for Indian Sign Language Using Microsoft Kinect Sensor
Archana Santosh Ghotkar, Gajanan Kashiram Kharate
JPRR Vol 10, No 1 (2015); doi:10.13176/11.626 
Archana Santosh Ghotkar, Gajanan Kashiram Kharate
Indian sign language interpretation is an important task to facilitate communication among Indian deaf community and other people. Dynamic hand gesture recognition among other gesture modalities is a major step towards sign language recognition as well as any human computer interaction applications. The main focus of this paper is to design and develop a new algorithm for Indian sign language sentence creation considering limitation of continuous sign language recognition. This paper explores two algorithms for word recognition. Rule based and Dynamic Time Warping-based methods for Indian sign language word recognition are developed. The Dynamic Time Warping-based method gave better accuracy for continuous word recognition than the rule-based method. The proposed new approach for Indian sign language sentence interpretation using inverted indexing overcomes the challenges of conventional continuous sentence recognition in sign language interpretation.
JPRR Vol 10, No 1 (2015); doi:10.13176/11.626 | Full Text  | Share this paper: