Minimum Manifold-Based Within-Class Scatter Support Vector Machine
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Minimum Manifold-Based Within-Class Scatter Support Vector Machine
Zhongbao Liu, Songnian Pei, Yongzhi Hao
JPRR Vol 9, No 1 (2014); doi:10.13176/11.565 
Zhongbao Liu, Songnian Pei, Yongzhi Hao
Although Support Vector Machine (SVM) is widely used in practice, it only takes the boundary information between classes into consideration while neglects the data distribution, which seriously limits the classification efficiency. In view of this, Minimum Class Variance Support Vector Machine (MCVSVM) is proposed by Zafeiriou. Compared with SVM, MCVSVM has better generalization ability because it takes both boundary information and distribution characteristics into consideration. While the above mentioned methods SVM and MCVSVM always neglect the local characteristics of each class. Based on the above analysis, this paper presents Minimum Manifold-based Within-Class Scatter Support Vector Machine (M2SVM), which not only focuses on boundary information and distribution characteristics, but also preserves the manifold structure of each class. By theory analysis, M2SVM is equivalent to SVM and MCVSVM in a certain condition. It is believed that compared with SVM and MCVSVM, M2SVM has the best generalization ability. Experiments on the man-made dataset, facial datasets and UCI datasets verify the effectiveness of the proposed method M2SVM.
JPRR Vol 9, No 1 (2014); doi:10.13176/11.565 | Full Text  | Share this paper: